PowerShell Windows 2012 R2 IIS FTP web user creation

( if you want FTP folder isolation for local users on  Windows Server 2012 r2 Setup read : https://community.rackspace.com/products/f/25/t/491

Windows 2012 r2 PowerShell Task: Uses PowerShell

    • PowerShell Create Local user account
    • PowerShell Set description on account to reflect day activated
    • PowerShell  Set Password to never expire / user cant change password
    • PowerShell Create  IIS website VirtualDirectory  IIS:\Sites\ (IIS 7, IIS 7.5
    • PowerShell Create  users folder in FTProot IIS
    • PowerShell Create FTP directory IIS
    • PowerShell Create user permissions ACL  ( Adds user to folder / Access = modify)
    •  PowerShell Create local group membership to FTP Group
  • PowerShell  use Web Administration module
    # #windows 2012 R2 create FTP 2012r2, IIS 2012 R2
    # Description:www.BrilliantlyEasy.com import
    # Create local users for FTP
    # ######## Create HTML URL Links
    # Add user to local FTP #
    # Make edies to someUser,SomePassword,SomeComputer
    Import-Module WebAdministration
    Write-Host -foregroundcolor Yellow 'Admin Privileges Required!'
    #create local user
    $accountName = 'someUser'
    $password = 'somePassword'
    $day = get-date -format "MM.dd.yyyy"
    $description = "$day account activated"
    $computer = [ADSI]"WinNT://$env:computername,computer"
    $user = $computer.Create("user", $accountName)
    $user.Description = $description
    $user.userflags = 65536 -bor 64 #user cant change / never expire
    $ServerName = 'someComputerName'
    $group = [ADSI]"WinNT://$ServerName/FTP USER"
    $group.add("WinNT://$ServerName/$accountName") ;
    #END create local user
     #create users web directory publish folder
    New-Item -path C:\inetpub\ftproot\Localuser `
    -name $accountName -type directory
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
    New-Item "IIS:\Sites\Default Web Site\$accountName" `
    -type VirtualDirectory -physicalPath C:\inetpub\ftproot\Localuser\$accountName
     #this function sets access rules for user
    Function Acl-Rule
    #target folder that needs security rules added
    $target = "C:\inetpub\ftproot\Localuser\" + $accountName
    $mydir = get-acl $target
    #allow the proper account Modify control from $account
    $rule = new-object system.security.accesscontrol.filesystemaccessrule`
     ($accountName,"Modify", "containerinherit,objectinherit","none","allow")
    #Add the access rule to be applied later
    #apply all access rules to target directory
    set-acl $target $mydir
     }#end function

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