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PowerShell – very simple for loop that takes a less than count, sending text to screen

Powershell :  write-output and pipe | it to a file similar to

| Out-File $pathName + “SomeFile.txt”) .

#Author: www.BrilliantlyEasy.com"
#Send some text to screen and Make it color
#Print out accounts for users
## For loop does for count from 300-401
For ($i=300; $i -lt 401; ){

$a= $i++

#COLOR MAKER: -foregroundcolor red -backgroundcolor yellow
write-host "Site Name" -foregroundcolor red -backgroundcolor yellow
#notice $a and the `b -`b moves back one char.
write-host "http://www.BrilliantlyEasy.com"`b$a
###############################notice $a
write-host "UserLogin: easy\user"`b$a
write-host "UserName: user"`b$a
write-host " "


PowerShell Windows 2012 R2 IIS FTP web user creation


Fix: freenx 12.04 ubuntu immediately closes

The issue is with the screen compression size of 12.04 Ubuntu &  UNITY

Follow the pictures:

Set custom options

freenx ubuntu 12.04

freenx ubuntu 12.04


Part 2- edit compression

Thanks to askubuntu.com as it was a starting point


Firefox british spelling fix to US spelling

 Firefox remove / fix British language spelling  back to USA spelling/ USA dictionary

1.Spell a word incorrectly–>afdadajd;lkajdsrfl;ja jfa;j
2.Right click red text  to correct spelling
3 In spelling correction menu –>Click Languages –>
4.Select –>English / United States from list

Very annoying when typing an email and the word color is showing as misspelled due to the British spell-check version in Firefox.

The solution was found, but not a whole lot of help when asking “Uncle Google”.

language .dic fix
Thought I would post it so others don’t waste their time fixing this annoyance.

Solutions for issue: Resolved!
British Spell Checker Dictionary fix
firefox british spelling back to USA
Firefox checking for British spelling instead of US

Fix Firefox spelling


PowerShell import-CSV create new file type HTML using group membership

PowerShell Task:

  • Import CSV
  • Read import-csv line by line
  • Match Non AD group To a users folder
  • Create an HTML page from powershell
  • Create a hyper link in each folder from  PowerShell
  • base membership from a non AD source.

The task was to use a CSV file from an outside source that would create an HTML page with its HTML link based on the content of import-csv file.
The group member ships in the CSV file did not come from  AD but based on a directory structure

# //===Name: .\easy_ImportCsv.ps1
# Description:www.BrilliantlyEasy.com import
# from CSV export to HTML File by
#          a NoN AD group memberships
# ########    Create HTML URL Links
#By Group in user folders
write-host $objItem.Name, $objItem.WorkingSetSize `

 -foregroundcolor "magenta"
#var for date/time
$datetime = get-date -format G

#Var $OFS used for new lines when using write-host
$OFS = "`r`n`r`n"
$OFS1 = "`n"

#Source of users

#var used for team memberships in import-csv
$Red = "Marketing"
$Green = "Sales"
$Blue= "Development"

write-host $OFS  $datetime $OFS1 `
"IMPORT FILE NAME: C:\scripts\powershell\portfoiloportStu.csv" `
-foregroundcolor "magenta" -backgroundcolor "yellow"
#import-csv "c:\import\accountsInfo.csv"

#Var for source of folder location

$source = "C:\users\folder"

#Var for CSV import of user files
$csv_info = Import-Csv C:\scripts\powershell\portStu.csv

foreach ($line in $csv_info)
#$destination = "C:\users\folder\" + $line.Username

#powershell create HTML file and HTML code content
# from a Variable with variables inside of HTML
#*look at the new-item -force -value $outFile
$outFile ='
<img alt="image" longdesc="image" width="846" height="62" />
<table style="width: 57%;">'$outFile =  $outFile +
 '$outFile =  $outFile + $line.Username
$outFile =  $outFile +  '
#Var that holds the full path to user GROUP & their User name
# powershell destination use path in a variable with quotes
#by use of + syntax
$destination = "C:\users\folder\"+$line.Group_Role+"\"+ '
#write-host "1" $($line.Username) $($line.Link) `
#if red grab the user in Red Groupif  ($Red -eq $line.Group_Role)
{write-host "RED GROUP" $OFS1  $line.Username $line.Link
`$line.Group_Role#Powershell Create a new HTML  survey.html file
# using Variable  to spit out HTML
#code content based on CSV importnew-item -path $destination -name
survey.html -type file `-force -value $outFile}
#elseif red grab the user in
# Green Groupelseif ($Green -eq  $line.Group_Role)
{Write-Host "Green Group"     $OFS1  $line.Username $line.Link
`$line.Group_Rolenew-item -path $destination -name survey.html -type file
`-force -value $outFile}
#elseif red grab the user in Blue Groupelseif
 ($Blue -eq $line.Group_Role){Write-Host "Blue Group"
$OFS1  $line.Username $line.Link
`$line.Group_Role#Powershell Create a new HTML file  survey.html
#using Variable  to spit out HTML code content new-item -path
$destination -name survey.html -type
`file -force -value $outFile}else {"Users have been imported. "}}

Virtual Box enable RDP over NAT

Connect to Oracle VirtualBox Guest over NAT using RDP Windows Remote Desktop .

Virtual box has a hidden feature under the settings display menu of Virtual box 4.1.
Click your VM Machine –> Settings–> Display–> Remote Display Tab — > Enable Server (CHECK BOX) –> Server Port 3389.

This will now enable a Linux host  to use Remote Desktop over NAT on port 3389.  Virtual Machine using RDP Remote Desktop on host IP port 3389.
This is a built in feature of Oracle Virtual Box , but has to be enabled.

To connect to windows  RDP on the host type the HOST machine IP and the port .

In my case my host IP is


PowerShell set Satic IP DNS Gateway SubNet

PowerShell modification to Network adapter from script

Network Adapter Configuration

  •  set Satic IP
  • set SubnetMask
  •  set Gateway  
  • set DNS Server
##Author: brilliantlyeasy.com
# modification to Network adapter -

$NICs = Get-WMIObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration |
 where{$_.IPEnabled -eq "TRUE"}
Foreach($NIC in $NICs) {
#change in quotes to yor ip address
#set static IP and Subnet
$NIC.EnableStatic("192.xxx.xxx.xxx", "")
#set gateway
#set DNS Servers
$DNSServers = "192.XX.XX.XX","192.XX.XX.XX"

The above script can be handy when you need to set a number
of server IP addresses.
When a company decides to change entire address scheme
is implemented.

1 Comment

PowerShell remove character text from all files in a directory SED powershell operation

Powershell script to remove text from each file in a directory.
*In Linux-Unix SED works very well for this.


Using variables to recurse a directory cheating using set-content to work like
regular expression

#remove a character from all files in a directory -=
#var old is text to remove
 $old = ','
#var $new = the text you want to replace ( I am replacing text with
#      a blank space)
$new = ''
#change the Get-ChildItem to a folder or your choice
Get-ChildItem C:\scripts\files\ -Recurse | Where {$_ -IS [IO.FileInfo]} |

% {

(Get-Content $_.FullName) -replace $old,$new | Set-Content $_.FullName
 Write-Host "----- WORKING   ----------"
 Write-Host "Processed: " + $_.FullName


—– WORKING ———-
Processed: + c:\scripts\files\.txt
Processed: + c:\scripts\files\file1.txt
Processed: + c:\scripts\files\txt-159_2-5.txt
Processed: + c:\scripts\files\extf\ile0_0_140-159_6-10.txt
Processed: + c:\scripts\files\extftxt60-179_11-15.txt
Processed: + c:\scripts\files\extftxt60-179_2-5.txt
Processed: + c:\scripts\files\extftxt60-179_6-10.txt
Processed: + c:\scripts\files\txt122-188_11-15.txt
Processed: + c:\scripts\files\txt122-188_2-5.txt
Processed: + c:\scripts\files\txt122-188_6-10.txt
Processed: + c:\scripts\files\txt120-139_11-15.txt
Processed: + c:\scripts\files\txt120-139_2-5.txt
Processed: + c:\scripts\files\txt120-139_6-10.txt
Processed: + c:\scripts\files\txt140-159_11-15.txt
Processed: + c:\scripts\files\txt140-159_2-5.txt
Processed: + c:\scripts\files\txt140-159_6-10.txt
Processed: + c:\scripts\files\txt160-179_11-15.txt
Processed: + c:\scripts\files\txt160-179_2-5.txt
Processed: + c:\scripts\files\txt160-179_6-10.txt


PowerShell Create OUs from an array

 PowerShell Create OUs organizational units in your domain from an array -
write-host "building OU for: $array"
$array = ("Human Resources","Purchasing",
"Production","Marketing","Information Technology","Sales","New York",
"Kansas City","Los Angeles","Building 125","Town Pavilion",
"Architecture","Center Square","925 Grand","WallStreet Tower")
#New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name SOME+NAME -Path
#CHANGE OU/NAME /DC= to modify for DC
#build array and do it to it
#CHANGE OU/NAME /DC= to modify for DC
foreach ($item in $array)
 { New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $item
       -Path "OU=buildings,DC=brilliantly,DC=com"}

PS .\buildings_Create_OU.ps1

building OU for: Human Resources Purchasing Production Marketing
Information Technology Sales New York Kansas City Los Angeles
Building 125 Town Pavilion Architecture Center Square 925 Grand WallStreet Tower

PS C:\Users\adm-easy\Desktop\powershell\MOSES AD builder>



PowerShell NotePad++ Dark Black theme syntax highlighting

I love notepad++ but hate the default white background.  This little install makes NotePad++ have a nice dark background with full syntax highlighting possible with powershell.

1. Delete DeepBlack theme: (C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\themes\)

2. Download powershell updated DeepBlack Theme (Attached File: Deep Black theme with Powershell, sorted. ): http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3389453&group_id=95717&atid=612384

3. Add the downloaded XML to  (C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\themes\)

(add to C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\themes

*OLDER VERSION2. Download: http://poshcode.org/notepad++lexer/

Once downloaded,  unpack the zip and put all the files / folders into the Notepad++ Plugins folder

(add to C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins)

Special thanks: http://huddledmasses.org/using-notepad-plus-plus-for-powershell-editing/